The LITE Platform Guide

4 min readMay 17, 2021


Go to and select “Launch delta.theta LITE”

Connect the wallet:

On the left side of the site we see three options:

Hedge Risks
The ability to protect your assets from unwanted price movements and sell it at your chosen price even after a fall. In this case you pay a premium, in others you get one!

Buy Low
The ability to buy an asset by pending order cheaper than its current price + earn premium

Sell High
The ability to sell an asset by pending order more expensive than its current price + earn premium

Hedge Risks

Step 1:

1) Choice of the asset we want to protect

2) Choice of the Stablecoin to secure the option

3) Choose the expiration date of the contract

4) Choose the number of contracts (1 contract = 0.1 WBNB)

When everything is ready, click “Next”

Step 2:

1) The price at which your order is triggered. In this case it is the level of protection (at what price you can sell the asset even after its fall = 665, it is calculated as: level of protection — premium price, also do not forget to take into account the number of contracts)

2) The platform recommended premium price for 1 contract

3) We set the premium price for 1 contract (in our case, we have chosen 3 contracts and it will be 15 BUSD)

Step 3:

Click “Approve” and “Create order” in turn.

The order is created!

Buy Low

Step 1:

1) Choice of the asset we want to Buy Low

2) Choice of the Stablecoin to secure the option

3) Choose the expiration date of the contract

4) Choose the number of contracts (1 contract = 0.1 WBNB)

When everything is ready, click “Next”

Step 2:

1) Order trigger price (it is a price at what you will buy the asset)

2) The premium price recommended by the platform for 1 contract

3) Set the premium price for 1 contract (the total price is 10 BUSD per 100 contracts)

Step 3:

Click “Approve” and “Create order” in turn.

The order is created!

Sell High

Step 1:

1) Choice of the asset we want to Sell High

2) Choice of the Stablecoin to secure the option

3) Choose the expiration date of the contract

4) Choose the number of contracts (1 contract = 0.1 WBNB)

When everything is ready, click “Next”

Step 2:

1) Order price (it is a price at what you will sell the asset)

2) The premium price recommended by the platform for 1 contract

3) You should set the premium price for 1 contract (it will be 30 BUSD premium for 100 contracts)

Step 3:

Click “Approve” and “Create order” in turn.

The order is created!


For the creation of 1 contract with WBNB the commission is 1 BUSD
For SXP and XRP the commission for 1 contract is 0.1 BUSD

You can check the commission on the PRO version of the site:

Switch to the PRO version, select the desired pair and see the commission by clicking on “Pair pricing”:




Written by delta.theta

A Decentralized Options Order Book Trading Platform

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